Thursday, July 03, 2008

Getting back to nature (and why I've been so introspective lately)

It's funny when you get involved in something new. There are always new things about others and yourself to discover. Somewhere, lurking just beyond you is a new circle, a new community just waiting for you to find it and join in.

With every new endeavor I find a new community which makes me question where, exactly, I fit. This time around it was the improv and comedy community, which led me into an young urban professional community. Before that it was a sewing and knitting community and a computer geek community. Other communities I associate with include the superficial shopping and fashion communities, the Christian community, the hippie community, the hedonistic community, the writer community, and the list goes on. The weird thing is, I don't find that I ever fit into any one of these exactly, yet I'm surprised when I find that I am not only accepted into a new community, but I fit right in. I am, literally, one of them. I'm guessing no one really fits into one place only. And, if they do, what is it like?

Another community I'll be exploring this weekend is the camping, outdoorsy, hiking community. We'll be camping up in the Sierras all weekend (the car-camping kind, not the scary wilderness kind). I'm bringing hobbies and members of other communities. I'll be getting back to nature and knitting. It should be a nice time of reflection and restoration.