Saturday, April 03, 2010

Shopping! Me! Again!

Throughout my pregnancy I continued subscribing to WhoWhatWear daily, which has kept me fairly up-to-date on fashion trends. Their fashion is a bit edgier than I typically like, but it still keeps me inspired, like the compilation above from their Style Stalker post this week. I've looked longing for 9 months at the cute outfits and couldn't wait to fit into them again. Finally, this week I was able to take a step towards it for the first time in 9 months!

I have a few barriers to my shopping this time around. For one, I'm a whole new size, at least temporarily, and I was getting sick of wearing the 3 ugly things I had that fit me. Second, now that I'm getting a reduced paycheck and DH is unemployed, I can't be spending tons of money on much of anything.

So, I went to TJ Maxx to see what I could find in the way of jeans, which I thought would be exactly what I needed to complete my style for the next few months of maternity leave. Also, I can easily make skirts and dresses, but not so much jeans, so it made sense to invest.

Lo and behold I found 2 lovely pairs of jeans! They are Express Jeans (hooray for them making jeans that fit my curves!) and look similar to these (but I only paid $14 for one pair and $10 for the other--I forgot how amazing TJ's is for cheaper deals like this. I was getting distracted by looking for extreme designer stuff to notice this stuff before):

I couldn't be more thrilled. Except, I am now 2 sizes larger than I was pre-pregnancy. Yikes! Still wearing the shrinx hips thingie, so hopefully that helps. Also, I'm still about 25 pounds over what I was before. Now I'm finally starting to work out though, so I hope that helps me get down to a normal weight. I wanted to be prepared, though, for the eventuality that I may not go back down to my original size and learn to love my body as it is. And that starts with dressing it correctly.

To that end, I actually was able to take an honest look at my closet this week and get rid of all those things I had that I was holding on to that never fit right or I never really liked, but I kept because it was cheap, or I had some emotional attachment to it. And now I have a nice, streamlined closet full of clothes that are cute, that sort of fit (not right now and if I don't go back to my original size in the next few months I'll be getting rid of them too) and that do fit and look good.

Hooray! I'm getting back on track with fashion again. It's good to be back!